Board’s Purpose
The Social Services Board serves the residents of Frederick County by providing comprehensive information regarding local social services and public administration. It also advises the agency director on local and state programs, policies, and procedures, as well serves as a designee of the County Executive for personnel processes related to the office of Director for the Frederick County Social Services Department. The Board advocates for the department with the public and, when possible, with elected officials at the county and state level.
Click here to view the Annual Social Services Report.
Responsibilities of Board Members:
- Understand and promote the organization’s mission.
- Be familiar with the organization’s programs and operations.
- Be a working member of at least one Board committee.
- Participate in resource development and fundraising.
- Assist in membership development.
- Advocate on behalf of the organization.
- Raise community awareness of the Department of Social Services programs.
- Review Board materials before meetings.
- Identify any potential conflicts of interest.
Time Demands (Approximate)
- Attend and actively participate in at least 50% of Board meetings.
- Pre-reads prior to each Board meeting – 1 hour/month.
- 10 monthly Board meetings (no meetings in August or December). 1.25 hours
- Committee work – 1-3 hours per month, or as needed.
- Annual planning retreat – 4 hours in July, based on member’s schedules.
- Event attendance (time varies). Twice/yearly recommended.
- Three-year term, can be renewed.
Meeting Date
The Board meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. at 1888 N. Market Street, Frederick, MD 21701
Mandated by sections 3-501 and 3-503 of the Human Services Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland (COMAR). Bylaws adopted on July 24, 1991 and amended on December 2023.
Procedure for Appointment
Members are appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent. Members serve three-year, staggered terms.
If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please submit a Letter of Interest and your resume to